Category Archives: Java

If this is a blog

it should be updated like a blog. Like every other day. Not every other month. It’s not like I’m to busy for you guys it’s just that I’m way to lazy for this kind of commitment at the moment.

Anyway this morning I decided to have sleep in because it’s been a bit like a flat ocean situation and it’s also been raining lots (and when it’s raining in the kampung we sleep). So was I surprised at all that in the middle of my sleep in I get woken up by a sound like someone is dropping bombs but not really bombs? No because at 6am on a rainy morning is when we harvest the coconuts. It’s a bit contradictory so maybe it was a dream?

When Mandy comes to the village

When does a joke get boring? Could it ever happen? Or does it just become more funny the more times you hear it? So yes Mandy is in the village and her name is Mandy. Nice name you might be thinking and you are very right. But yes what Mandy’s parents did not think about is that it’s the same as mandi in indonesian which translates to having a shower or a bath and this is where it becomes oh so funny… I now get to hear this amazing joke 10 times a day. “Mandy – sudah mandi? (translates to Mandy did you shower already)” or “Mandy – belum mandi? (or not yet)” and sometimes it gets really creative like “Hello Miss Shower” 🙂 I think that’s my favorite. And now I have to leave you guys because I’m going for a surf with my friend Miss Shower… I can see you smiling to!

At the local bengkel

You go to the bengkel if you have a flat tire, your bike won’t start or if you just can’t be bothered find the right screw driver. Or maybe you’re just to lazy to look for the screw driver, anyways you get the picture. When you get there the guy working there is busy and asks you to tunggu sebentar, which would translate to wait a while. And then after a while he takes of on his bike and you’re left tunggu sebentaring on your own for quite a while. He then returns just to tell you to keep tunggu sebentar. But now I’m still a westerner who’s always worried about time and efficiency so I ask how long is this tunggu sebentar gonna be? Because I know that this concept of a while can be quite flexible so maybe I should kembali nanti (come back later). But nah I’m lucky I get only two minutes of tunggu, this is a great score and now my war on rust continues but maybe next time I should look for the screw driver?

Paradise gone wrong?

So I’m on an island just a few kilometers north of Java/Indonesia, white beaches and swimming pool like water. And yes I know we have a problem with plastic. Like I’ve seen the pictures of the plastic island floating around my social media many times. But I guess it’s like a difference to know and to see for ourselves. This makes it so more real. So I went on a snorkeling trip and ended up just collecting plastic from the ocean instead. So much plastic floating around and then look the other way – the most amazing ocean, corals and animal life. I feel so sad – where did we go so wrong? What can I do to help? This is my favorite playground, I spend so much time in the ocean and I am so extremely grateful for it. So from now I will try even harder to be a responsible traveler and eliminate the plastic I buy and use. But what more can I do? I mean there’s so many things gone wrong that need to change, like when I finish my snorkel my guide who also collected many many plastics hands me a single use tiny plastic water with a straw to drink 🙁 And on the pic above it’s batteries that I found sitting on the coral, and I couldn’t even get them all because some where jammed in the coral, seriously – what the fuck 🙁

Indo <3 love - Part 389

I always come back it’s way to good not to. Easter holidays this time, I’ve surfed so much the last two weeks. It’s been so good I’m grateful for all the waves, sunrises, creativity, laughs, the people, new and old friends. Surfing in torrential rain and heavy thunderstorms. Waking up in the middle of the night by a shaking earth. Being so close to nature. The rhythm of live. Practicing yoga on my porch in the tropics, body and muscles so warm. Aduh! Thank you universe! Landed back in Sydney this morning feeling I’m in a bubble.

Girls surf trip to the jungle

I’m back in Indonesia (oh ja again) and last week me and this super awesome fantastic cool crew went for a surf trip to the jungle. Three girls, one rasta man, tropical waters, empty reef breaks, fun peeling waves with just us on it, camping in the jungle, trips to magic caves, nasi gorengs, mangoes and bloody white coffee. I’m so happy and all surfed out but ready to go back again ha ha. I’ve had the time of my life 🙂 Thank you Ulrikke, Silke and Maruf, you’re all legends let’s do it all again soon!









The Start Of Art – Glassing A Surfboard Part 1

We are have moved to a cool little town somewhere in Java, we love it so much we’ll keep it a secret  for a another week or three (HAHA). The cool thing is the place we are staying with with a little surfboard factory out the back of it. They just happened to be doing the fiber glass on one of their boards and lets us take photos. They made it look so easy, but i know it would be way harder then it looks .  A big thanks to Keona shapes for letting us take the photos 🙂 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--5the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--3the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--2the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--1the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--4the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--6the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--7 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--8 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--9 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--10 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--11 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--12 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--13 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--14 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--15 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--16 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--17 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--18 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--20 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--21   the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--24the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--23

Coffee in Watu Karung – the paradise?

Took the scooty for a trip to Watu Karung to have  a coffee and look at the waves (Watu Karung is the spot for the surfers that’s on the pro tour (the wanna be pro tour), it’s a heavy barrel on a reef and we have some swell so thought it would be good to have a look). So we get there and there’s just one girl out there while the rest of the pro’s are sitting at the little warung having coffee contemplating about maybe going out 🙂 Then another girl paddles out and her first wave is a double barrel – we love watching the girls rip! After that the pro’s got their act together and made a move for the waves. surfing-pacitan-sidewalk-secrets-surf-travel-java-indonesia-watu-karung-2




Working The Street Corner

What do you do when you have to catch are ride in Indonesia, but you don’t know what time they are picking you up, and the only instruction you have are to wait outside a hotel from 5pm till they come ??????????? You work the street with you camera. This is what I shot in the hour we had to wait, I could only move about 2 meters from our bags, so was happy to get some cool fun shots 🙂 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-surfing-sunset--1



























From Batu Karas to Pacitan

No more mellow rights for us – we decided to make a move and ended up in Pacitan. I’ve been tricked back into surfing left waves again it seems but who cares when it’s this much fun? Just me and one more guy out this morning – I’m so stoked 🙂 Pax is stuck on the beach until tomorrow because of an ear infection…aduhhh what to do. We got some antibiotics and painkillers from the doctor in Cijulang but the ear was to swollen to look into but hopefully we’ll get it sorted here tomorrow.







Day Trip Part 2 – Green Valley

After the green canyon we jumped on the scooters and hit the road for about 30 minuets to find the green valley (easy when you have a guide). But first things first FOOD FOOD FOOD. A little lunch stop and everyone started to feel a lot more happier, even our guide started to talk & move his hangover must have started to get a little bit better. The green Valley is a very cool place, it has a big cave that you can swim into that gets very dark,  so dark you (ME) might get a little scared if you swim in to fare. There is also some tree roots you can climb up to ledge, that you can jump from if you like that kind of thing.. If you don’t think the green valley is that cool I have saved the best till last. It has a waterfall that you can jump off, then you can swim under the waterfall into a little cave, just like in the movies. On the way home we stopped for a photo or 10 but to top it all off we got to go over a bamboo bridge, that can only hold one scooter at a time. So i was hopping all the pancakes I have been eating was not going to make me to heavy and make us end up in the river…

FOOD FOOD FOODDCIM100GOPROGOPR3710. The guide alive at lastDCIM100GOPROG0213712. The cave and the jump spot
DCIM100GOPROG0233720. Inside the cave
DCIM100GOPROG0253739. The waterfall from the topDCIM100GOPROGOPR3740. The bottom
DCIM100GOPROGOPR3747. Inside the waterfall
DCIM100GOPROGOPR3748. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3750. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3751. The jump rope DCIM100GOPROGOPR3754. Road trippers 1 & 2DCIM100GOPROGOPR3813. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3816. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3815.DCIM100GOPROG0393821. The bamboo bridge DCIM100GOPROG0403827. DCIM100GOPROG0413831. The home stretch thank god – It was a long day 🙂 🙂 🙂 DCIM100GOPROG0423839.

Day Trip Part 1- Green Canyon

Today we tried to be like most tourists and do a day trip. So we got a little gang together and our new local friend & guide for the day to show us round. First stop was the corner cafe to get a second breakfast as 50% on the gang stayed up way to late having drinks with our guide, who was now so hangover that I think he needed to die or at lest sleep for 3 days… So after a late start we hit the road to  our first stop the green canyon. To get to the canyon you need to get a boat for about 30 minutes its a nice chilled ride up the river, then you need to park the boat & pay extra, so you can  swim and explore the canyon, but its worth it. The boat ride was awesome but exploring the canyon was amazing ..

The Gang almost ready to roll  🙂 ZzzzzZzzZzzzz
DCIM100GOPROG0013547.the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-sri-lanka-midigama-mirissa-surfing-sunset-1 DCIM100GOPROG0073583. DCIM100GOPROG0113603. DCIM100GOPROG0113605. DCIM100GOPROG0123623. DCIM100GOPROG0123628. DCIM100GOPROG0153643. Jumping from the rock was cool, I don’t why, but the rock is super smooth  not like any of the other rocks in the canyon. There is a very small water fall, that falls onto the rock so i think there mast be something in the water, but thats just my guess  🙂 DCIM100GOPROG0173654. DCIM100GOPROG0163649. DCIM100GOPROG0193680. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3684. Look over there its a another tourist  ……..DCIM100GOPROGOPR3691. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3700. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3705. Our guide sleeping we took about 10 photos before we woke him up. He was looking all Zen, but I think it was just his hangover working overtime ……


Longboarding With Pax Take #1

We have been here in Batu Karas for about 2 weeks and I was starting to get a little over it. There has been no waves and then when the waves came there was a surf comp on grrrrr. I was thinking what to do then Lisa (legend) one of the ozzy girls we meet let me take out her longboard.  It took about 3-4 waves to get the hang of it and then I started having fun fun fun.. The next day off I went to rent a longboard for the week, there was a lot of people dropping in (Sara was even one) but I still got a wave or 3 on my WMD (9.4 longboard).  Here are some of the photos from my afternoon surf on my newly rented longboard with a Gopro mount haha lucky we have a Gopro  ready for action..

Almost losing my head to someone not holding on to there board…
the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-sri-lanka-midigama-mirissa-surfing-sunset-2 the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-sri-lanka-midigama-mirissa-surfing-sunset-1the-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-sri-lanka-midigama-mirissa-surfing-sunset-4 DCIM100GOPROG0053518. DCIM100GOPROG0063522. DCIM100GOPROG0063523. DCIM100GOPROG0063524.Getting a little drop in LOvE  by SaRa (Girls first) haha xthe-sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-sri-lanka-midigama-mirissa-surfing-sunset-3