After nine months or so on the road I’m back in Sydney! Went for a walk to check the waves this morning and omg it’s more crowded than Kuta Beach or any Bali surf break for what looks like really average close out waves. The difference is that the surfers here can actually surf, ha ha 🙂 I totally forgot about the weekend crowd though, there’s like a million of people in the water. But the ocean looks amazing, the water is so clear! No more murky river mouths for me. Also enjoying flushing toilets and hot showers, ha ha, it’s good to be back for summer, hope it heats up a bit to!
Category Archives: water
Stockholm, Sunshine & Art
Did another walk around Stockholm today on my way to a photography exhibition, Â but the only difference from yesterday is the SUN is out, I’m told its not that common here in Stockholm .
Here a some photos from my walk to the amazing  photography exhibition that i’ll write about next, there are even some photos from inside the exhibition, so don’t go to far ..
The Big Smoke – Stockholm
Today I went to the big smoke of Sweden, Stockholm and man it wasn’t a let down. Stockholm has to be one of the prettiest city I have seen. I knew it was going to be a great old european city, but it was next level.  I walk around for a bit until we ended up on this lookout that over looked the city, I was so amazed to see such a view.
One thing I found a little funny about the swedes is that they don’t say hi to each other, even if they are looking  right at each other (what the).. So for this crazy kiwi that says hi to everyone even if they are look the other way, I found a little weird. I think they thought i was a little crazy or on something, but a Kiwi got to do what a Kiwi got to do..
The photos of the people on the bike from the 1940’s was not from a ride in a time machine, it was (I’m guessing) some bike ride though the city and everyone dress up and rides bikes from that era.
The you know what blows my mind the most about Stockholm? Bands, Â like real bands come to play there. When we where walking round the streets of Stockholm I’ve seen a poster or Tame Impala, thats so crazy that anyone come this far. (Just joking Sweden has lots of great music and bands).
Fun Photos From Batukaras
Just Some fun photos from Batukaras 🙂 No more to say 🙂
Day Trip Part 2 – Green Valley
After the green canyon we jumped on the scooters and hit the road for about 30 minuets to find the green valley (easy when you have a guide). But first things first FOOD FOOD FOOD. A little lunch stop and everyone started to feel a lot more happier, even our guide started to talk & move his hangover must have started to get a little bit better. The green Valley is a very cool place, it has a big cave that you can swim into that gets very dark, Â so dark you (ME) might get a little scared if you swim in to fare. There is also some tree roots you can climb up to ledge, that you can jump from if you like that kind of thing.. If you don’t think the green valley is that cool I have saved the best till last. It has a waterfall that you can jump off, then you can swim under the waterfall into a little cave, just like in the movies. On the way home we stopped for a photo or 10 but to top it all off we got to go over a bamboo bridge, that can only hold one scooter at a time. So i was hopping all the pancakes I have been eating was not going to make me to heavy and make us end up in the river…
FOOD FOOD FOOD The guide alive at last
The cave and the jump spot
Inside the cave
The waterfall from the top
The bottom
Inside the waterfall
The jump ropeÂ
Road trippers 1 & 2
The bamboo bridgeÂ
The home stretch thank god – It was a long day 🙂 🙂 🙂Â
One More Day Out Of The Water
I have another day out of the water, so I had little morning photo walk not to much going on but this is what i found 🙂 ……
Bumps from the coast!
So here it is – my first gopro action 🙂
A Day Underwater!!!
Now that the days are getting longer and a lot lot LOT warmer, it time to get the gang and start playing in the water with the underwater camera ( Its been in hibernation since 1982 haha feels that long anyway). So i got the gang together (anyone that would come with me) and off we went. When we where there we made friends with a cool little dude called Mitchell who ended up taking the best photos of the day, NICE WORK MITCH !!!! Here’s what happened (see photos below)
The Nole Master Looking all sexy with his goggles 🙂
This is me  trying to blow bubbles
Sara, Nole, and PAX
Mitchell falling from the sky
This is Nole talking with GOD in a nice ray of orange sunlight
The next 4 photos are taken of me (PAX) by my new friend Mitchell Love them all great JoB !! 🙂
Falling from the sky about to hit the water in about 1 sec HELPPPPP
High Flyer !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()*&^%$#$%^&
After a long day in the water its time to hit the road and go find some food.. Thanks to the gang from a cool day out !!!!
The Maui Pro – last event of the year
I’m glued to the computer watching the last event of the year for the women pro surfers as is’s on! Right now Round 4 – the worlds four top surfers are all ready for the quarter finals – I think they will run quarter finals tomorrow – waves looks amazing! Courney Conolouge just scored a  19.40 heat total – some amazing surfing happening!
The Cronulla office
While my colleagues been out and about I’ve been working from home which means I have time for early (7:30 is earlyish enough in winter right :)) morning surfs, coffee walks to check the waves and maybe a lunch time run along the esplanade. Pure winter bliss!