Today we tried to be like most tourists and do a day trip. So we got a little gang together and our new local friend & guide for the day to show us round. First stop was the corner cafe to get a second breakfast as 50% on the gang stayed up way to late having drinks with our guide, who was now so hangover that I think he needed to die or at lest sleep for 3 days… So after a late start we hit the road to our first stop the green canyon. To get to the canyon you need to get a boat for about 30 minutes its a nice chilled ride up the river, then you need to park the boat & pay extra, so you can swim and explore the canyon, but its worth it. The boat ride was awesome but exploring the canyon was amazing ..
The Gang almost ready to roll 🙂 ZzzzzZzzZzzzz
Jumping from the rock was cool, I don’t why, but the rock is super smooth not like any of the other rocks in the canyon. There is a very small water fall, that falls onto the rock so i think there mast be something in the water, but thats just my guess 🙂 Look over there its a another tourist …….. Our guide sleeping we took about 10 photos before we woke him up. He was looking all Zen, but I think it was just his hangover working overtime ……