Tag Archives: GoPro4

Day Trip Part 2 – Green Valley

After the green canyon we jumped on the scooters and hit the road for about 30 minuets to find the green valley (easy when you have a guide). But first things first FOOD FOOD FOOD. A little lunch stop and everyone started to feel a lot more happier, even our guide started to talk & move his hangover must have started to get a little bit better. The green Valley is a very cool place, it has a big cave that you can swim into that gets very dark,  so dark you (ME) might get a little scared if you swim in to fare. There is also some tree roots you can climb up to ledge, that you can jump from if you like that kind of thing.. If you don’t think the green valley is that cool I have saved the best till last. It has a waterfall that you can jump off, then you can swim under the waterfall into a little cave, just like in the movies. On the way home we stopped for a photo or 10 but to top it all off we got to go over a bamboo bridge, that can only hold one scooter at a time. So i was hopping all the pancakes I have been eating was not going to make me to heavy and make us end up in the river…

FOOD FOOD FOODDCIM100GOPROGOPR3710. The guide alive at lastDCIM100GOPROG0213712. The cave and the jump spot
DCIM100GOPROG0233720. Inside the cave
DCIM100GOPROG0253739. The waterfall from the topDCIM100GOPROGOPR3740. The bottom
DCIM100GOPROGOPR3747. Inside the waterfall
DCIM100GOPROGOPR3748. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3750. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3751. The jump rope DCIM100GOPROGOPR3754. Road trippers 1 & 2DCIM100GOPROGOPR3813. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3816. DCIM100GOPROGOPR3815.DCIM100GOPROG0393821. The bamboo bridge DCIM100GOPROG0403827. DCIM100GOPROG0413831. The home stretch thank god – It was a long day 🙂 🙂 🙂 DCIM100GOPROG0423839.

Happy holidays & the new GoPro 4

Guess what I got for my birthday?! Oh yes a new GoPro the version 4 – I’m so spoilt, ha ha! Anyways it’s already Day 10 of our Christmas/New Years roadtrip on the South Coast and here’s some water shots from the last few days. We’ve got so many photos and videos but not to much internet. Waves been pretty small and the summer seems to be hiding somewhere 🙂 Anyways enjoy the holidays and we’ll see you next year 🙂 Lot’s of love <3


DCIM101GOPROGOPR1516. This is one of my  all time faves on the South Coast – Green Island or Cunjurong point.

Let’s go surfing Paxito!




sidewalk-secrets-travel-blog-surf-roadtrips-cronulla--39Water was even nice for body surfing…
