When it’s good it’s good so I did what any sane surfista heading for the Northern parts of Europe would do. I surfed my poor little brains out and ended up with a cold from hell accompanied with sore neck and shoulders. So here I am, 30 degrees colder but I’m not leaving the house much anyways (not at all in fact), why would you when it’s 0 outside and you’re surfed out and sick as a dog. I’m busy eating all the good stuff you can’t find in a tiny tropical village and doing nothing and of course enjoying some holiday time with the family. Happy holidays everyone, let’s catch up in 2019 – I have big plans for us other than eating and being sick. Promise.
Category Archives: Sweden
The Swedish Surf Amigas
It’s that time a year again 🙂
Quiver update?!
Swedish internet is so fast and I have a bit of time on my hands so… does the quiver need an update? To many good looking boards out there 🙂
Hometown session
Some wind. Some waves. Quick sunset session in Sandhamn last night before it got to cold in a 2/3 wettie 🙂Â
Fotografiska In Stockholm
Just when i didn’t think Stockholm could get any better (BANG BANG BANG) I got to go to Fotografiska, a photography Space for Exhibitions, its no small place, with 3 levels of amazing photography you are in heaven . There you have everything from the great photographers to the new up and comers. This place for seeing photography or art is set up so perfect, each pice had its own light and the room is almost dark. The Place was so amazing i can’t wait to come back and do it all again real soon.. Â Here are some photos i took from inside, i hope one day you will also get to go have a look around yourself and see how amazing it is….. x
Stockholm, Sunshine & Art
Did another walk around Stockholm today on my way to a photography exhibition, Â but the only difference from yesterday is the SUN is out, I’m told its not that common here in Stockholm .
Here a some photos from my walk to the amazing  photography exhibition that i’ll write about next, there are even some photos from inside the exhibition, so don’t go to far ..
The Big Smoke – Stockholm
Today I went to the big smoke of Sweden, Stockholm and man it wasn’t a let down. Stockholm has to be one of the prettiest city I have seen. I knew it was going to be a great old european city, but it was next level.  I walk around for a bit until we ended up on this lookout that over looked the city, I was so amazed to see such a view.
One thing I found a little funny about the swedes is that they don’t say hi to each other, even if they are looking  right at each other (what the).. So for this crazy kiwi that says hi to everyone even if they are look the other way, I found a little weird. I think they thought i was a little crazy or on something, but a Kiwi got to do what a Kiwi got to do..
The photos of the people on the bike from the 1940’s was not from a ride in a time machine, it was (I’m guessing) some bike ride though the city and everyone dress up and rides bikes from that era.
The you know what blows my mind the most about Stockholm? Bands, Â like real bands come to play there. When we where walking round the streets of Stockholm I’ve seen a poster or Tame Impala, thats so crazy that anyone come this far. (Just joking Sweden has lots of great music and bands).
Jet lag In Halmstad At 5am
After a 38 hour flight to Sweden from the land down under (Australia) there was one thing I needed more then anything else, that was SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. Â So after trying to stay up for as long as possible i finally went to sleep about 6pm, Â after sleeping for a good 10-11 hours i was ready to start my european adventures . The only thing is it was 4:30 am, the thing is, everyone in europe is sleeping at that time, and won’t get out of bed till at last 10am. So what will a KIWI boy that likes to get up at sunrise do at 5am with jet lag and no friends??? He takes out his camera and takes some photos of Halmstad for the blog…
Some Swedish beauty
So after four months in Indonesia I’m back in Sweden for some catch ups and family time. Lucky me my hometown is right by the ocean with a small surf scene that never existed when I grew up here (or at least I never knew). But last night I got to enjoy some ocean time with one of my favourites. Pure Swedish bliss. I might have missed the summer here but they say September is the month for surf (before the ocean freezes :))
 The old leach around the stairs trick got played on me.
Go went gone and back again
Oh yes, I’ve been to Sweden and back again. 20 year anniversary for work so I took some time off to have coffee with the family, hang out in the park with some favorites and some drinks while in Stockholm. Two weeks went buy like a chipmunk on ice eating nuts, been good but hectic.