Summer is in Crescent Head!

Was a long weekend for us since I had the Monday off and Pax usually doesn’t work Mondays so – Hello to you again Crescent Head! Crescent Head is a sleepy beach town five hours drive north from us (depending on traffic ;)), somewhere in the middle of us and the Gold Coast maybe. I’ve been there a few times before but this is the first time I actually surfed the main point. It’s been so overcrowded when we’ve been there before and there’s so many good options for uncrowded waves in the area but Saturday morning I had some super duper fun waves again (hello right hand point break I missed you). Then the swell and some stormy weather rolled in and made a big mess of the ocean so we resorted to the pub for pool, drinks and a few games of shit head.

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Our on the road home.

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Stopping in Forster on our way back to Sydney.

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Cold pressed juice stop – so nice when you find some good food on the road.

the-sidewalk-secrets-pax-and-sara-in crescent-hed-nsw-australia-2155 Boomerang Beach outside Forster, we need to do some exploring around this area to.

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