180 South

So you have been working for the last few years wondering what to do next, buy a house? new car?
maybe use your 4 weeks holiday and take a trip?. It seems like we all live day to day to make money for what?. After watching with documentary (180 south) it come to me that its easy for us to make out lives complicated not so easy to simplify it. After watching this movie of a man doing one of his dreams and making his crazy city life nice and simple, I now know that what we need to do with our lives is to find more time to do the things we love. This movie will touch a place in your sole that needs to take the first step to finding some long awaited adventure. Next time you are looking for something to do on that boring day inside then its raining or just what to spark up your sole, go find this movie and start living you way 🙂 …




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