We’ve just done 14 days on the road over Christmas and New Years. Back in Sydney and it’s time to start planning for the big one as in the big trip. The year of 2015 is going to be a travel year. Ever since me and Pax met we’ve talked about doing a big trip together. “If haven’t killed each other living together for a year it’s time to go”. We have a wedding in Thailand on the agenda in March but other than that the road is pretty much open 🙂 Welcome 2015 – we’re going surfing! Where?! Maybe Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Central America….
Some photo’s from the road below.
Pedro our trustworthy van is staying at home this year.
But he fits 4 surfboards, 3 camping chairs, a gas stove, 10 liters of water, two hammocks, cooking stuff, camera gear, lap tops, skateboards. Pretty much anything, it’s so nice not having to pack and travel light for a change.
Australia must be the best country for road trips, you’ll find toilets (with paper), out door showers close to every beach almost, outside free BBQ’s and why not a little picnic house when the sun is to strong.
Vilken härlig blogg! Ni ser ut att vara såna som man slänger lite nyfikna halvt avundsjuka blickar på i smyg om man ser er någonstans mitt uppe i något äventyr 🙂