We are now chilling on a little island called Sri Lanka in a cool little town called Midigama. We have made friends with some cool cats but one stands out a little from the rest, we’ll call him Mr FRED. Now mr Fred is a German (surprise surprise) but he is not like any German you’ll met, he’s chilled doesn’t talk to much, only when he has something good to say (not like me talking all the time), but the best thing about our new friend Mr Fred, is he helped us fall in LOVE with Kniffel (Yahtzee). I have played this game as a kid and when i seen him playing it, i was like Boring!!!!, but after a game or 100 by now I love it.. So i have to say a big thanks to fred for leaving it behind so we can keep playing. What would we do without Kniffel? S#@T we might have to talk to each other or clean my room, so thanks again Fred for being you !!!! 🙂