You go to the bengkel if you have a flat tire, your bike won’t start or if you just can’t be bothered find the right screw driver. Or maybe you’re just to lazy to look for the screw driver, anyways you get the picture. When you get there the guy working there is busy and asks you to tunggu sebentar, which would translate to wait a while. And then after a while he takes of on his bike and you’re left tunggu sebentaring on your own for quite a while. He then returns just to tell you to keep tunggu sebentar. But now I’m still a westerner who’s always worried about time and efficiency so I ask how long is this tunggu sebentar gonna be? Because I know that this concept of a while can be quite flexible so maybe I should kembali nanti (come back later). But nah I’m lucky I get only two minutes of tunggu, this is a great score and now my war on rust continues but maybe next time I should look for the screw driver?